Our Cosmic Brain
January 11 - March 31, 2018
Opening Reception: Thursday, January 11, 6-8pm
NYU Langone Art Gallery
Adjacent to the Joan and Joel Smilow Research Center
550 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016
orient : dominate, v. 2, 2017, monoprint, 33 x 24 in
Laura Jacobson and Julia Buntaine
A two-person show in New York City, featuring work inspired by neuroscience and celebrating the universe within our brain. Curated by Katherine Meehan, the show runs concurrently with The Beautiful Brain: The Drawings of Santiago Ramón y Cajal at NYUs Grey Art Gallery.
I am pleased to announce that the work from this show, including 9 ceramic sculptures and 9 prints on paper, have found a permanent home in the New York University Science Building (NYU Institute of Neuroscience).